Bananenhalle Finca Hotel La Gomera


20. November 2019

Delicious Relationship

Those who see a ripe passion fruit for the first time will be amazed: Inside of a wrinkled skin there a up to 200 kernels buried in a jelly-like matter. The slippery kernels of the maracuja taste particularly well together with other fruit or as an exotic highlight in a mixed salad. A while ago two on our finca have found each other and their relationship brings forth this delicious fruit: the black Canary bees and the maracuja flowers. We are delighted that the fabulous flowers of the passion fruit managed to attract our bees to do their hard work collecting pollen. In just two months we will be able to harvest the ripe passion fruit in order to offer it on our buffet. The flesh of the passion fruit – which incidentally is called “parchita” on La Gomera – is rich in magnesia and phosphor. Apart from that the delightful bouquet of the maracuja is incomparable!



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